KillerSource Forum

Full Version: Unban Request / Appealing (CLOSE)
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1. Why Were You Banned?
·        Cheating/using 3rd party
2. Why should we unban you? (Explain at least 100 words)
·       Greetings...Admins and staffs of KILLER SOURCE, I am here today with my newly reformat computer making an appeal to take a sincere apology to the Killer Source GM.  I realize that I try to make a thread to appeal and make apology to GM’s for making a mistake on the game. I got BANNED In the entire game for cheating, My Sincere apology to all of the GM's on this game hoping that I will still be able to get a chance of playing KILLER SOURCE again on my PC.
3. Do you use any type of hack? (Yes or No)
·        NO, because few weeks ago I went to reformat my PC to put the Killer source game, and I tried playing it and it just said something that I used some kind of cheat  or 3rd party that I didn't do for some reason.
4. Type of ban? (HWID or Normal Ban)
·        Normal Ban

5. Add the username that got banned in this hardware:

·        Rappy
Denied, Please use the following format next time. (
1.Why Were You Banned?
 - cheating

2.Why should we unban you?
 - Good evening! i am the computer shop owner. I have a four units(pc) and one of these units got banned and i want to make an apology because one of my players got violated the game rules and regulations. Due to players behavior, killer source app where no longer playable. I can't easily monitor my players behavior during their playtime because i have work. after you unban my pc, i will never tolerate this kind of act and i will do my best to make them not use cheats again.  Thank you Gm's and Cm's for your consideration and godbless.

3.Do you use any type of hack? (Yes or No)
 - yes

4.Type of ban? (HWID or Normal Ban)
 - hwid

5.Add the username that got banned in this hardware:


1.Why Were You Banned?
- cheating

2.Why should we unban you?
- Good evening! i am the computer shop owner. I have a four units(pc) and one of these units got banned and i want to make an apology because one of my players got violated the game rules and regulations. Due to players behavior, killer source app where no longer playable. I can't easily monitor my players behavior during their playtime because i have work. after you unban my pc, i will never tolerate this kind of act and i will do my best to make them not use cheats again. Thank you Gm's and Cm's for your consideration and godbless.

3.Do you use any type of hack? (Yes or No)
- yes

4.Type of ban? (HWID or Normal Ban)
- hwid

5.Add the username that got banned in this hardware: